Fast and Reliable Cargo Transport: TLS as Your Logistics Partner in Air Freight

The field of logistics and transportation is currently the fastest-growing and consequently evolving industry in the modern world. In this fast-paced business environment, it has become crucial for companies to have a reliable partner when it comes to the transportation and logistics of their goods. At TLS, with our main office located at Joze Pucnik Airport in Brnik, Slovenia, and collaborating with over 25 partners in the world of air cargo transport, speed and reliability are combined into a synergy that enables all our customers to achieve their goals seamlessly and efficiently.


TLS is the ideal choice for quick responsiveness and competitiveness in the field of air cargo transport. We are committed to providing the highest quality of services, based on our core values of promptness, reliability, and precision.

One of the greatest advantages of our air cargo transport is its exceptional speed. We understand that timing is often crucial for successful business operations, so we offer optimal solutions that ensure your goods are delivered to their destination in the shortest possible time. Whether it's urgent medical equipment, sensitive electronics, or other valuable cargo, we are here to ensure that your goods are safely and swiftly transported to the desired destination.

In addition to speed, we pride ourselves on a high level of reliability. Our team of experts carefully monitors every step of the logistics process. With the help of advanced technological solutions and close collaboration with leading air carriers, we ensure that your shipment is always in good hands.

For all types of transport, including air transport, TLS provides competitive prices, enabling our customers to achieve the highest level of efficiency in their operations. With our wide network of partners and experienced professionals, we always offer optimal solutions for your needs based on your specific requirements and budget.

Whether you are a small business or a large corporation, we are here to help you achieve your logistical goals. With our dedication to quality and customer-oriented approach, we are your reliable partner in the world of air cargo logistics.

Want to learn more?

+386 31 664 333




A trustworthy company



Window to the world: our office at Ljubljana Airport


contact for all air transport


the numbers from which the international air waybill is drawn up


is the procedure for customs clearance where the goods are cleared on behalf of the final buyer


the world's largest airlines with whom we work


flights are performed weekly by airline companies from Ljubljana Airport



We organise air transport from and to all airports worldwide


We arrange all necessary formalities related to import/export customs clearance


We take over the shipment and transport it to the final destination

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